Stage en entreprise > CV et lettre de motivation > Lettre de motivation > Lettre de motivation stage en anglais – Assistant RH

Lettre de motivation stage en anglais – Assistant RH

Mis à jour le 11/06/2024 -
Lettre de motivation stage en anglais - Assistant RH

Retrouvez ci-dessous un exemple de lettre de motivation en anglais pour postuler à un stage d’Assistant en Ressources Humaines (Human Resources Assistant) :

Dear Ms. Smith,

I am responding to your company’s advertisement in The New York Times for a Human Resources Assistant. I believe that my combined experience in Human Resources and in Event Organization has provided me with the skills necessary to excel in this position.

With a four-year degree in Business Administration and a fifth year of specialization in Human Resources Administration, my education has provided me with in-depth, practical training in this field. During my internships with ABC Enterprises and XYZ S.A., I conducted research on their training and promotion policies and rewrote their guidelines to suit their changing needs.

As president of the association of business students at my university, I gained invaluable organizational and networking experience. I met personally with over twenty members of the local business community to promote the merits of our school’s graduates, and organized networking events for students and business recruiters.

My resume is enclosed for your consideration. I would be delighted to discuss further with you my qualifications for this position.


Nicolas Dubois

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