Stage en entreprise > CV et lettre de motivation > Lettre de motivation > Lettre de motivation en anglais – Assistant Chef de Produit

Lettre de motivation en anglais – Assistant Chef de Produit

Mis à jour le 11/06/2024 -
Lettre de motivation anglais : Assistant Chef de Produit

Voici un exemple de lettre de motivation en anglais pour un poste d’Assistant Chef de Produit (Assistant Product Manager) :

Dear Mr. Peacock,

I am writing to apply for the Assistant Product Manager position at XYZ Corporation advertised in the November 10th Edition of the Washington Post. As a recent graduate from the Cleveland State University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Marketing, I am extremely interested in this position. My education at CSU has provided me with a solid foundation in marketing, business administration, and computer technology, training that would fit in well with your company’s goal to be internationally marketed by 2012.

As assistant manager for Paul’s Appliance Store, I gained valuable experience in marketing development, implementation, and evaluation. My primary responsibilities included product promotion for the store’s annual « Summer Blowout Sale », an event that resulted in over $100,000 in storewide sales. This position also demanded strong computer, problem-solving, analytical, and organizational skills.

In addition to my marketing expertise, I can bring to this position well-developed communication skills, qualities honed while serving as liaison to the local media for advertisement of store promotions. My three years of industry experience along with a leadership position with the CSU Student Marketing Society have provided me with a well-rounded background in customer service.

I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you about the Assistant Product Manager position and my future with ABC Corporation. I am available for an interview immediately and can be reached at (407) 000-6060. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Nicole Jackson

Enclosure: Résumé

4.9/5 (7 votes)
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